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Biden Delivers Slurred Oval Office Address Defending His Failed Presidency

By July 25, 2024No Comments

Matt Vespa | July 24, 2024

President Joe Biden delivered his address to the nation from the Oval Office this evening. The speech was supposed to explain why he decided to exit the 2024 race. Instead, as Fox News's Dana Perino noted, we got a political speech, a mini-State of the Union. It came off as resentful, outlining his real and imagined accomplishments.

The speech was also labored and slurred, indicating that his age had caught up to him. It started with the same platitudinous introductions regarding how it’s about “we the people” and how it’s a choice between moving forward, not backward, unity over division, and hope versus hate. Biden said we’re at an inflection point where honesty, decency, and respect are on the ballot—rich coming from a man who hails from a family of degenerates. The president made the case for his legacy and said it was worthy of a second term.

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