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Newletter 8/13/24

By August 13, 2024No Comments
Dear Recover America Friend,
Signs are everywhere indicating that God is not yet done with America 
First, the assassin who intended to kill former President Trump and was himself killed immediately after firing the shot at him, has to be considered suspicious, especially in light of all that Trump has been put through in the past 8 years since coming down the golden escalator to announce his candidacy for President the first time. It must be considered a strong possibility that someone or ones used this very sick young man as a sacrificial lamb. How was he allowed to walk around in broad daylight carrying a rifle and crawl around on the roof of a building less than two hundred feet away from where Trump was addressing the crowd, with a clear sight line on the former President?  It makes me wonder if he had been convinced he was helping to save his country by shooting this “maniacal leader” not understanding that as soon as he pulled the trigger he would be shot himself, and no one would be the wiser.

But amazingly the former President turned his head the split second the shot was fired, causing the bullet to miss his head and strike his ear instead.
His being spared certain death was acknowledged by all as an act of a graceful and caring God. 

That gives me hope that God is not through with America yet.
Secondly, the left no longer hides their hatred of America and God. We have a Biden nominated woman on the Supreme Court who cannot define what a woman is and men are now competing with women in the Olympics and showering with them despite the outcry from women who want and deserve their privacy but are deprived of it.

Some brave souls have decided to take the rabid attacks of the radical left and speak out and acknowledge what everyone knows, men and women are different.
To deny this basic biological fact can be deadly if you happen to pursue certain sports like boxing. Transgender boxer, Imane Khelif of Algeria won her opening Olympic boxing bout when opponent Angela Carini of Italy quit after just 46 seconds because she “never felt a punch like this”. They were checking her for a broken nose after she quit.

Such lunacy is beginning to cause many on both sides of the political spectrum to openly wonder if some have moved too far to the left.
I have often said that Satan always overplays his evil hand and doesn’t know when to stop until someone stands in full armor of God and says: STOP!

That’s why Paul exhorts the Ephesian church in chapter six…
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm…
Thirdly, if Satan himself chose two candidates to run for President and Vice President of these United States, he could not have chosen two better candidates than the one selected to run as President and the one she chose (or had chosen for her) to push America over the edge and make Government their God. The more you know about their beliefs the more you understand that their vision for America would be unrecognizable to the men who founded her.

This election will be a choice between normal and abnormal. It is not normal to call a man a woman.
So why am I optimistic about America’s future? Because…
First, God doesn’t perform His miracles until they are required, and we are at that place in America. And remember… “where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more…” (Rom. 5:20)

Beloved, over the next three months Recover America will be conducting as many events with pastors as we can afford.
Each breakfast or lunch costs us about $50.00 per pastor to feed, and that does not provide for event space, speakers’ expenses nor free materials that we provide. We budget $2500.00 per event, recognizing some will be less and some will be more.

Some of you reading this newsletter could help with some or all of the expenses for five, ten or twenty Pastors. Click the button below for a secure donation link if you are able and willing to help us. We need many more to join our regular monthly financial partners if we are going to win this war for the soul of America.
Support a Pastor!
Secondly, because our first ever Remnant Alliance and Citizens Defending Freedom National Pastor Training and Fundraising Gala was a glorious success, as you can see by the photos. Charlie Kirk delivered the most stirring remarks I have ever heard him deliver as the Keynote speaker, preceded by equally dynamic and soul-searching remarks by award winning journalist Kara Logan and former National Security Director General Michael Flynn. I closed the evening by explaining the gospel to the crowd, carried live by Epoch TV and at least twelve let us know they prayed to receive Jesus.

Hundreds of pastors attended three days of advanced training for Pastors by several renowned Christian speakers.
You can click here to hear my closing remarks at the Pastors Training and issuing to them a call to join our growing army of Remnant Pastors who will count the cost and work to save our country from the Socialist/Communists who are working to undermine our Christian heritage.
Dear friends, America is worth saving and God will save her if we join him in His work. Please consider a large donation as we enter the fall spring to the elections. I remain…

Your friend and His servant,
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 
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Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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