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Newsletter 1/23/25

By January 23, 2025No Comments
Dear Recover America Friend,
America Needs a True Revival
As I draft this newsletter it is snowing across the South, and we are in the grips of an Arctic cold blast with temps dipping into the teens and windchills into the single digits. I don’t like cold weather but thanks to a roaring fireplace and central heat we are doing just fine.
Like many of you, I watched the inauguration of our 47th President and felt a surge of joy when I heard him declare, “My life was saved for a reason, I was saved by God to make America great again.” To be "Great Again," America needs a true revival.  
We have just endured what many consider to be the most corrupt and incompetent presidency in history, exemplified by Biden's misuse of his pardon power as he left the White House.  Among others, he pardoned his own son, who profited immensely from his access to the President, and Anthony Fauci, who initiated regulations that shut down churches and over 100,000 small businesses while allowing liquor stores and big-box retailers to remain open.  Rioters and looters were permitted to rampage, yet Christians were denied their First Amendment right to assemble for worship. 

Jonathan Turley, A professor at George Washington University Law School, wrote in an opinion piece for The Hill, an online journal read by many who follow politics in Washington DC, entitled The final corruption of Joe Biden:
With only 15 minutes to go as president, Joe Biden snatched infamy from the jaws of obscurity. With record-low polling and widely viewed as a “failed” president, Biden completed his one-man race to the bottom of ethics by issuing preemptive pardons to members of his own family.

The pardons were timed to guarantee that the media would not focus on yet another unethical act by this president. He need not have worried. For four years, the media worked tirelessly to deny or deflect the corruption scandal surrounding the Biden family.

The pardoning of James Biden, Sara Jones Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, John Owens and Francis Biden brought an inescapable clarity to the corruption of what is known in Washington as Biden Inc.
Many have wondered why Donald Trump, a 78-year-old billionaire, who has suffered so much abuse by a corrupt judicial system, while the Washington Press Corps cooperated, would want to run for a second term.  I believe the two assassination attempts including a rifle round piercing his ear and missing his brain by less than an inch brought the clarity of God’s sovereignty to him as well as many Americans.   He truly loves America and believes he was called by God for such a time as this.  

We have been given a chance to witness a revival and a renewed hope for America at a time when the world is on the brink of WWIII.  But we have a role to play.  We must pray for President Trump and his family.  There are demonic legions who want to destroy this man.  But you and I have access to the throne of almighty God, who alone can keep him safe and give him wisdom.  His success or failure will be determined by the willingness of the true church (Remnant) to pray or not to pray, for this man.  As for me and my house, we will pray.  Will you? 
Travesty in the Texas Legislature 
I traveled to Austin on January 14th for the start of the Texas legislative session, along with thousands of other patriotic Texans. Both chambers of our legislature conducted swearing in ceremonies. In the House, Texans were exposed to more than they expected. Texas state Rep. Venton Jones (D) surprised colleagues, family, and friends on Tuesday when he finished his swearing-in ceremony  on the floor of the capital in Austin with a  
proposal to his longtime partner, Gregory Scott Jr. Bending down on one knee amid a throng of supporters, Jones revealed a ring and proposed to his same-sex lover.

Texas Scorecard, an online periodical
carried my commentary on this ungodly act, copied below. 
What Did Texans Go to Austin on January 14 To See? 

Thousands of patriotic Texas citizens loaded cars and buses with their children and friends to see government in action and their elected officials sworn in on January 14. During this time, the members of the House of Representatives and Senate met to be formally sworn in and begin doing the people’s business. 

If they went to the Senate Chamber, they witnessed exactly that, including hearing their governor and lt. governor set the tone for a very conservative session scheduled to conclude 140 days later. 

But if they visited the House, they got so much more. 

They witnessed one of our lawmakers make it clear to all that he would effectively say to the Supreme Lawmaker of the Universe, “God, you got it all wrong regarding marriage.” 

Texas State Rep. Venton Jones (D) surprised colleagues, family, and friends on Tuesday when he finished his swearing-in ceremony on the floor of the capital in Austin with a proposal to his longtime partner, Gregory Scott Jr. Bending down on one knee amid a throng of supporters, Jones revealed a ring and proposed to his same-sex lover.

And right then and there, one of our elected officials, whom patriotic parents brought their children to see and honor, ignored Scripture and dishonored the God most Texans worship.

The new speaker should excoriate this behavior on the floor of the people’s House, where over 80 percent of the citizens believe such behavior not only violates the purpose of the House chamber but the “laws of Nature and Nature’s God!” 

Speaker Burrows, you have publicly stated your desire to be the speaker for all Texas citizens. You have been presented with a gift to show that. You should make it clear to all representatives that regardless of which party they represent, the people’s House will not be used for such personal demonstrations.

As an ordained Texas pastor and Christian activist, I urge Representative Jones—as a voice of homosexual citizens in Texas—to consider what God says in His Word on the subject of homosexuality:
Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.  In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1: 24-27) 
Representative Jones, make no mistake … I love you in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. I love you enough to risk your misunderstanding of my motives to tell you what God says on this subject, and there is no expiration date on the message.  Homosexuals are trapped in a bondage that leads to many terrible consequences, but thousands have been set free by the blood of the Lamb. 
Partner With Us
Friends, if you want us to continue this battle for the soul of America, please contribute any amount you can afford and help us.  Blessings. 
Yours in Christ,
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 
Hear Dr. Scarborough and several other prominent leaders this Saturday at the "Pray Unity" event.

Embassy Church
24862 US HWY 59, Porter, TX 77365

January 25th
3:00PM - 6:00PM

For more details call 281-790-3530 or send an email to

We look forward to seeing you there!

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

Author Recover America

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