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Newsletter 12/15/22

By December 15, 2022December 17th, 2022No Comments

A Word from Dr. Scarborough

Dear Recover America Friend,

I pray this finds you fully experiencing the joys of the season.  The advent of the birth of Jesus is surpassed only by the Easter Season, but one is meaningless without the other.

Merry Christmas from our great team here at Recover America!
This has been an incredible year of successes and challenges for Recover America.  We have become very focused on the demonic assault that the LGBTQ radicals have leveled on our children.  I thought that I was beyond being shocked but I was so wrong.  What is being done to our children under disguise of education is nothing short of criminal.

We are working directly with Texas Legislators in Austin to pass legislation this session removing all protections from librarians and educators for allowing children to view pornography while in our public schools.  We are also working with other leaders across America to create a groundswell nation-wide to expose this outrage and protect our children from these predators.
This is a tremendous undertaking. We are trying to raise $5M to underwrite a four-year plan of action.  As you plan your end of year giving, please consider making the largest gift you can afford to help us with this critically needed program.  All gifts to Recover America are tax deductible
For those of you who have reached the age that mandates withdrawals from your IRA’s, please consider transferring all or a portion of those withdrawals to Recover America, which may allow you to avoid paying taxes on those required distributions.  Tommye and I were made aware of a special provision in the tax code last year and now take full advantage of it.  Please check with your financial advisor or CPA to determine if and how this provision of the tax code applies to your situation.

Lastly, please take a few minutes to watch my latest video and understand why the foolish concept of "reparations" is inconsistent with Judeo Christian principals.  You can watch the video here.

Beloved, Christmas is all about giving, and the greatest gift of all was Jesus.  For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Tommye and I send our love on behalf of our entire dedicated team!

Merry Christmas

Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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