Stand up ... Speak up ... and Refuse to give up! |
Dear Recover America Friend, |
We are in a spiritual battle for America's soul and Satan won't willingly surrender the territory he has gained. At this critical time people of faith must Stand up, Speak up, and Refuse to give up... about their faith and their values. |
With recent changes in Washington and new Supreme Court judges, I believe God has opened the door for a spiritual revival. And we all must engage in the critical months ahead to make America Godly again. The church's mission will always be to preach the gospel and saving grace through Jesus Christ. Pastors and people of faith must also address the un-Godly issues in our communities and ensure our children's safety and protection. As parents and grandparents we must not be silent.
Parents Must Engage to Save Our Kids |
Parents throughout Texas are concerned about K-12 curriculums promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), radical LGBTQ agendas, and inappropriate books and materials in school libraries. Where these issues arise, they have led to gender confusion, some children “transitioning,” the implementation of gender-neutral restrooms, boys participating in girls' sports, and many other related concerns. Conversely, when parents have actively engaged, significant improvements have been made. |
Key Dates for May School Board Elections |
Many Texas school districts will hold elections in May. With historically low voter turnout, every vote is critical and can significantly impact these elections. Understanding the crisis and candidates' positions is essential if we are to make a difference. You can make a difference! The key dates for the May 3rd election are as follows: |
Last Day to Register to Vote: Wednesday, April 3, 2025 First Day of Early Voting: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 Last Day of Early Voting: Tuesday, April 29, 2025 Election Day: Saturday, May 3, 2025 |
People of Faith Can Make a Difference |
It's never too early to start preparing, especially if your community has elections coming up in May. You can easily check the election schedule for your particular school district online, and we encourage you to do so.
Friends, many passionate individuals have overlooked local school board elections, thinking they are insignificant. However, school board trustees set standards for the school system and significantly impact the education and welfare of our children. When people of faith serve in these positions, they can make meaningful changes to school curriculums and practices to protect our children.
I strongly encourage you to become more informed about your local schools and school board. Support and encourage people of faith to run for these positions and be sure to cast your vote for those who do. Additionally, please motivate your family and friends to do the same. Together and with God’s blessing, we can make a difference. |
Dr. Rick Scarborough President Recover America 936-615-7020 |
Dr. Rick Scarborough 15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032 Unsubscribe | |
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