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Newsletter 5/7/24

Dear Recover America Friend,
God has certainly affirmed His calling for me to speak to Pastors and Christians about the seriousness of the attacks on our beloved America … attacks that are designed to crush and destroy her.  Once the land of the free and the brave, we are becoming the land of perversion and corruption, epitomized by what is happening on college campuses across America as I write this May report.  I have been calling Christians to stand up and fight back in the armor of Christ and with the sword of the Spirit, (Eph. 6) but few have heeded our warnings. 

Doors Suddenly Opened

God has opened many doors of opportunity for our message and Satan has opposed us more than any time in my 50 plus years of preaching the Gospel. In 2023 my wife had two serious surgeries on her back. She was also in her first two wrecks ever, both totaling the car she was driving. By God’s grace neither caused injury and her back surgeries were not impacted.

Meanwhile, I had to undergo a total reverse shoulder replacement surgery in December, from which I am still recovering. Needless to say, we were glad when 2024 arrived and so far it's been  the busiest schedule and the most open doors I have had for our message to pastors in over 10 years. Churches and corporations often opt to replace senior members with younger preachers and workers. But God often chooses to elevate those who love him and who choose to stay in the battle. Just consider Moses, Joshua, and Caleb, to name a few.  

Since January 1 of this year, I have spoken to groups of pastors and citizens 43 times in six states from Florida to Michigan. 38 of those speaking events have been before groups of pastors, calling them to stand up for Jesus in the civil arena, with 90% or more signing pledges to engage the enemy and lead their congregations to vote their values on Election Day. 

There is More to Do

On May 9th I will be in Wisconsin closing out a three-day Liberty Pastors training conference for Pastors. I will deliver the final message calling the pastors to come forward and sign a pledge to become a Patriot Pastor who will train their congregations to engage in the fight for our nation. I will remind them that Christians don’t lose until they quit. As long as there is one Christian standing Satan loses.

The Republican Party of Texas will convene at the end of this month and on May 24 Recover America will play a central role in calling the Party to be the Party of Values. We have secured the room and have printed the card you see below, which we will pass out to all the delegates and guests, inviting them to attend the first ever Texas Republican Party “Judeo-Christian Caucus.”
We have a stellar line up of Christian leaders and Texas elected officials who will remind all Texans that Jesus is the only one who can heal the division in the party and empower them to advance the Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation is founded. I will be convening this caucus from time to time during the Texas Legislative sessions to encourage the caucus members to stand up for Christian values without compromise.

I have also been invited to be one of four Pastors to lead the Prayer Breakfast at the Republican Convention. The event annually draws over a thousand delegates and their guests. I will lead the prayer meeting for 15 minutes during which I will address the attendees and guide the prayer for my assigned time.
God continues to elevate our work to better accomplish our mission which is to call Pastors and Christians to engage the enemy of freedom and take back the ground which has been lost.

We Depend on the Prayers and Financial Investments of our Recover America Partners 

Dear friends, consider joining our growing family of financial partners.  I understand that your inbox is filled with requests for money, especially during election season and you can’t respond to every request.  I face the same dilemma every day as I read of great work by many who are desperate for funds.  We are not desperate for your money for our confidence is in God.  
He has opened all these doors, and He will always provide.  I am simply asking you to pray and determine if God is impressing you to partner with us.  We have partners who give $25 a month and some who give $500 or more each month.  We are equally thankful for all who partner with us because we know our work is in their hearts and their prayers. 

If you feel a tug of your heart strings to join our team, please click the below button which will connect you to our secure portal for investing in our work.   
Partner With Us
Thank you for reading this long but hopefully encouraging report.  I remain...

Yours and His!
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 
PS. Click here to listen to one of our recent one-minute commentaries carried on over 300 radio stations across America.  

Also, save the date!  Hear Dr. Scarborough and several other prominent leaders at the Judeo-Christian Caucus May 24th:

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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