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Newsletter 6/24/24

Dear Recover America Friend,
Last year I began hearing about the Remnant Alliance and the victories they were achieving through a growing army of citizen activists called Citizens Defending Freedom.  Your first exposure might have been our gala in October of last year when we hosted Charlie Kirk and Steve Maxwell.   Steve subsequently spoke at our last Board Meeting, sharing my growing role with the Remnant Alliance.  

Since January I have spoken to over 50 pastor meetings in seven states.  I have been invited to join the leadership team and we are now receiving a portion of their overall revenue, alleviating much pressure off our finances.  

We are still responsible to raise our own support so we can never let up praying for and seeking new supporters.  
Tommye and I, like most of our Board, have made RA part of our monthly giving to advance God’s Kingdom. Please keep RA in your prayers and tell your friends about the effective work we are doing
Support Recover America
Pastor Training Conference
Our next major project is: Igniting The Remnant Pastors Training Conference scheduled from July 31st-August 2nd!  Our mission is to empower God’s people to engage and uphold His Kingdom while standing against evil in our communities. We believe that success comes when pastors and churches recognize their responsibility and take decisive steps to make a difference locally. 
Pastor's Special Offer: Sign Up by July 4th!
Receive a complimentary copy of Jim Garlow’s new book, “Re-Versed: From Culturally Woke to Biblically Awake” when you register before July 4th.  Why not sponsor your pastor to this incredible three-day Biblical Worldview Training?

Book Retail Value: $29.95Yours FREE!
Register Now!
Remnant Alliance Fundraiser
Then on August 2 The Remnant Alliance will host our first national Fundraising Gala and Ministry Celebration.  Our goal is to raise $8M that evening as Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA and General Flynn encourage their donors to join ours and others for a giant celebration.  

Recover America is one of the National Organizations that will be featured and in line to receive funds from the evening.  I would like every Businessman to consider sponsoring this event at some level.   I have been asked to speak last and give a gospel invitation to all who listen live and via livestream around the world via EpochTV.
Register Now!
Yours in Christ,
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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