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Newsletter 9/30/22

By October 2, 2022October 4th, 2022No Comments

A Word from Dr. Scarborough

Dear Recover America Friend,

In only five weeks we will have the most consequential election of my lifetime.  This country will not survive two more years of decline at the rate of the last two.  If people can’t see that then we are already lost as a free people.  Citizens of our Republic have been locked up in solitary confinement since last January 6th without a hearing, while criminals walk out of jail without bail for bludgeoning seniors in our major cities where Soros funded DAs routinely peddle equity in our jails by letting felons with dozens of previous arrests walk free.  One party rule isn’t working unless the purpose is to end our Constitutional Republic.  
Please join our efforts to get Christians to the polls voting like followers of Christ.  Over the next five weeks we will be doing everything in our power to move the 4,000 pastors we have identified as Conservative pastors to register and mobilize their flocks to vote Biblically on Election Day.  One thing I will be engage in is the Texas Leadership Summit in Brenham, Texas, on October 8th at the High School auditorium, featuring presidential candidate and Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson, former Trump Press Secretary and Fox Contributor, Kayleigh McEnany, and myself, among others.

You can view my interview with the organizer, Pastor Tim Webb by clicking this link:  Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and get alerted any time we post new content.  I encourage you to watch this excellent video created in our new TV studio in our offices.  We have more than a dozen interviews which we have recently recorded archived at our site:  for you to watch and be encouraged. 
Over the past two weeks, since our last communication, I have spoken over a dozen time in four states to pastors, churches, and conferences.  Some of the highlights include the past two Liberty Pastor Bootcamps, where more than 200 pastors were trained how to Biblically address the most raging controversies of our times.  They were exposed to some of the true heroes of the faith who are speaking out about the COVID Hoax, Critical Race Theory, gender fluidity, child mutilation, the new green deal which is the old lie about the earth subduing us rather than us subduing the earth, and the culture of death that is willing to go to any length to retain the “right” to kill a pre-born child.

At every stop you have been our partner.  Thank you.  Your investment in our work allows us to carry out our mission.  Click the button below to make a safe online donation.

This weekend I will be speaking to the great Church on the Rock in Texarkana, Texas, led by our good friend and longtime supporter, Pastor John Miller.  Then on October 15th weekend I will be speaking at Legacy Church, where Pastor Steve Smothermon is the pastor.  These two wonderful churches are both regular supporters of our ministry, for which I will be forever grateful.

Please keep us in your prayers and help us if you can.  We need everyone who cares about our country to invest in our work as we seek to move pastors and their congregations.  Please click this link and make the largest donation you can.  We need your help! 

I remain…

Yours and His!

Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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