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Newsletter 11/14/22

By November 14, 2022No Comments

A Word from Dr. Scarborough

Dear Recover America Friend,

According to all reports on the midterm elections, we just witnessed the greatest endorsement of the policies of a sitting president since John F. Kennedy.  That includes Presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Policies that included the abandonment of troops and billions of dollars of military hardware in Afghanistan, taking America from energy independence to begging Saudi Arabia for petroleum products to fuel our cars and heat our homes, record inflation, open borders, fentanyl flowing into our country killing our kids by drug cartels making billions of dollars while engaging in sex trafficking.  The list of crippling failures is endless.  Our national debt has ballooned to over $32 trillion with no end in sight.

Well, I don’t buy it.  Tomorrow I will join other patriots and hold a press conference to protest the Harris County Elections and call for a new election.  Someone asked me last week if voting even mattered any more, expressing the loss of confidence that many have in our elections.  As I have pondered that question, I have concluded that Christians must be found faithful doing what we can to expose corruption and leave the results in God’s hands.

On November 30th you will have a unique opportunity to ask your questions to members of the Texas legislature.  Recover America is sponsoring an “Evening with Texas Legislators,” as a lead up to the bi-annual meeting of our Legislative bodies in Austin.  The below flyer provides all the details.  To RSVP call Nicole Goin at 936-615-7020 or email
In addition, I will be sharing our plans for the May school board elections across Texas.  We have been exposing the indoctrination and sexualization of our children and preschoolers, creating a generation of youth who have no shame or sense of morality.  I am committed to stopping this hellish scheme conducted by an elite few who have too much power over our children.

I plan to lobby our state legislators to criminalize all pornographic materials in our schools, removing the legal protections now in place to assist educators in “educating” our children.  Please reserve your place at this important gathering of eagles on Nov. 30th.  It is imperative that concerned citizens engage in this battle for the souls of our children.

I hope to see you there.  I remain..

Yours and His!
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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