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Newsletter 11/18/22

By November 18, 2022December 7th, 2022No Comments

A Word from Dr. Scarborough

Dear Recover America Friend,

As Thanksgiving Day nears, we all start thinking about family and friends who are special in our lives.  Our whole family will gather in the home of my daughter and son-in-law for a giant turkey and ham dinner and a wonderful time of sharing our love and celebrating the many reasons we have for giving thanks.  This will be the first time our new great-grandchild will be with us, and my granddaughter will soon be wed to the love of her life shortly after the start of the New Year.  What a blessed time it will be for our family.
We are all smarting over the recent elections.  I have posted a new video on the website in which I share my thoughts on why it was not the red wave everyone, including yours truly, had predicted.  On the video I expand on the three takeaways I have from the elections.

First, there was a tragic tactical reason Biblical Value Voters were disappointed.  
Senator Lindsey Graham declared early on that if Republicans swept both Houses as expected, he would immediately propose a bill that banned all abortions after the 15th week of gestation.  While an admirable goal for all of us who have fought abortion since the Supreme Court made it legal, his prideful boast galvanized voters across both sides of the aisle who opposed such a national ban, and pro-abortionists turned out by the millions to keep that from happening.  

Secondly, there was the moral issue of theft.  The eighth commandment of God’s Ten states: “Thou shalt not steal.”  There is growing evidence across the nation that election integrity is being compromised.  
Right here in Harris County, Texas, a county with a greater population than many states, there is evidence that perhaps as many as 50,000 ballots were illegally cast.  Governor Greg Abbot has called on the Attorney General and the Texas Rangers to investigate.  If this turns out to be true, those responsible must be brought to justice.  And if so, we can take what we have learned across the country until once again people have confidence in our elections.

Thirdly, we have reached a frightening threshold of collapse as a nation, which only the church of the living God can address. On three occasions our Lord Jesus said that a house divided cannot stand.  
America is divided between those who acknowledge God and His sovereignty and those who deny His existence and have displaced Him with a god of their own making.  America is divided by good and evil and there is very little middle ground.  No political party can save us.  That is the mission of the Church, and it remains to be seen if the Church will arise to the challenge by praying, preaching, and encouraging their people to vote for righteous candidates.
A local Church may not be able to impact the whole nation, but every church can impact a local school board race and collectively, working together, the Church can change the direction of our nation.  We are called to dispel the darkness, and the darkness that is found in local public education, where children are often being groomed with hellish indoctrination, is the darkest of all.  We must rise up and save our children.

On the eve of this Thanksgiving Holiday, I am rededicating myself to saving our children.  I will be thanking God for my children and praying for the children that are trapped in our public schools.

Thank you for being a part of our Recover America family.  Have a safe and Blessed Thanksgiving!

P.S. - December introduces income tax time. Please consider making a generous investment to Recover America with an end of year contribution by clicking here for a tax deductible gift. 

Yours and His!
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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