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Five ‘Accomplishments’ Joe Biden Touts As Successes – but Which Were Failures

By December 30, 2024No Comments

By Ward Clark – Redstate| 3:28 PM on December 29, 2024

If you took about a hundred dumpsters, all on fire, loaded them on a train full of burning porta-potties, and crashed the whole thing into a giant pile of the stuff one normally finds under the south end of a northbound horse, that would be the Biden presidency. Befuddled and confused, inarticulate, showing flashes of unfounded anger and creepy whispering, Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in the history of the republic.

We can take some comfort in knowing that Joe Biden will be vacating the White House on January 20th. But he’s not going quietly into that good night; instead, he’s touting five so-called “accomplishments” of his term that, against all available evidence, he (or whoever is pulling his strings) see as successes.

While Biden’s presidency has been somewhat overshadowed by the way he dropped out of the 2024 race and President-elect Trump’s subsequent Election Day victory, there were still a number of achievements that the president and his team have highlighted that they argue will endure even after Biden leaves office.

Here are five of the accomplishments Biden is touting as his presidency winds down.

Hoo boy. Let’s look at them one by one, shall we?

Click here to read more.


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