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Newsletter 11/23/21

By November 23, 2021February 11th, 2022No Comments
Dear Recover America Friend,

As we approach the Thanksgiving season, I continue to be amazed at the faithful friends like you that Recover America has. Paul summed up my feelings for you when he wrote to the Thessalonian believers the following:
“We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers.” (1 Thes 1:2).  

I am also thankful for the success God has given us in the local school board elections. While we never endorse candidates, we rejoice to report that Biblical values candidates, including one pastor, are among the four run-off races in the Houston ISD, the largest school district in Texas. In Cy-Fair ISD, the 3rd largest school district in Texas, candidates who expressed their belief in Biblical values won all three positions unseating incumbents.

When Christians show up,
“Christians Make the Difference” as I discuss in my most recent podcast which can heard on the Recover America website at or Apple, Spotify or any other podcast provider.  Speaking of the Recover America website, please check out our new updates at And, we have even more updates including a very special offer for our Recover America friends coming soon!

Although we are pleased with the results so far,
we still have much more work to do. The HISD runoff elections are on Saturday, December 11th with early voting running from Monday, November 29th through Tuesday, December 7th.  Encouraging Christians to vote for school board members is one of, if not the single most pressing issue we face today as our children are being overly sexualized and indoctrinated with CRT, while being socially engineered by radical gender theories as they ignore the basic fundamentals that our schools were created to teach. Additionally, HISD is facing disastrous financial problems because of mismanagement.

Recover America, in cooperation with Pastor Dave Welch and the Houston Area Pastors Council, are hosting three Pastor and Faith Leader meetings at Houston area churches next week.
The goal of these meetings is to educate pastors and encourage them to mobilize their congregations to vote their values.

Would you please encourage your Pastor to attend one of these meetings?  Please forward the invitation below or use this link: Pastor Mobilization Meetings

We sincerely thank you for being our partner in ministry. And, since we did not budget for those pastor meetings and other runoff initiatives, we humbly ask that you please consider donating the largest give you can afford to help us win the HISD.
Click Here to Donate
Thank you again and may God bless you, your family, and loved ones this Thanksgiving!
Dr. Rick Scarborough
President, Recover America | 936-615-7020 (main office)

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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