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Newsletter 12/22/22

By December 26, 2022July 3rd, 2023No Comments

A Word from Dr. Scarborough

Dear Recover America Friend,

Have a very Merry Christmas!

In the nineties, while I was pastor of a growing church on the southeast side of Houston, I remember vividly how I rejoiced during Christmas season because you could hear the blessed Christmas story being beautifully sung in every department store.  There were always a few secular Christmas songs, but most of the music was about the birth of our Savior and everyone heard the gospel as a matter of routine.
Today I visited a store to buy a Christmas card.  The music was about Rudolf and Santa Clause, and I could not find a single card that referenced the true reason for the season.  I was dismayed but not surprised.  We have witnessed the steady erosion of anything that is Christian in the public square for the past two decades, and sadly, few Pastors or Christians are willing to talk about publicly for fear of being attacked on social media.  It pains my heart to think about what we are losing.

Beloved, as you gather with friends and family on Christmas day, celebrate Jesus, who came into this world to proclaim that God loves us and then died in our place on the cross, so we could have eternal life.  Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
I love every one of you who receive our newsletters.  You cannot know how much we depend on your prayers for our ministry.  As I write these words, my heart is lifted just thinking of the many of you who pray for and support our efforts.

Next year we are going to double down in our efforts to stop the sexualization of our children.  Next week you will receive a newsletter detailing the filth and degradation our children are experiencing in public schools, and our plans to stop them.  But today, I simply want to say…
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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