Dear Recover America Friend,
Greetings to you in Jesus’ name. In this issue of our newsletter, we cover eight items. Please read what you find of interest and let us hear back from you. We value your input.
- The Governor’s State of the State address.
- Our efforts to put Christians on school boards across Texas.
- A look at our successes.
- Our goals for 2023.
- Your need to be an informed voter.
- A report on recent speaking engagements.
- S.O.S - Save Our Schools - Watch the video
- Our need to find more financial support to do the work of saving our children.
The Governor’s State of the State address |
On February 16th, in Governor Abbott’s State of the State address, he issued seven emergency priorities for the State Legislature to address during this current session. Included in that list were initiatives dealing with issues in the public schools. Governor Abbott recognized the fact that many of our public-school systems have introduced elements of a “woke” agenda, incorporating anti-God and anti-American indoctrination at the expense of fundamental educational achievement. Abbot said: |
"We must also protect the freedom and rights of parents who have children in school.” … “Let’s be clear: Schools are for education, not indoctrination. Schools should not push woke agendas. Period." "We must reform curriculum, get kids back to the basics of learning, and we must empower parents. Parents deserve access to curriculum, school libraries, and what their children are taught. We will do that with our Parental Bill of Rights." "Parents also deserve education freedom..." "The way to do that is with school choice through state-funded Education Savings Accounts." … "Now, it’s time to provide every parent with the ability to choose the best education option for their child." "To be clear, under this school choice program, all public schools will be fully funded for every student. This is so vital to the future of our state that I am making education freedom an emergency item this session." |
Our Efforts to put Christians on School Boards Across Texas |
Recover America will continue to work actively to support these moral based initiatives in the Texas State Legislature. In addition, Recover America is continuing our mission to mobilize encourage and equip men and women of strong moral values to work to change the curriculum and to remove the books and materials in public school libraries which are poisoning the minds of our children. Hopefully many will run for school board positions and/or actively participate in school board activities supporting those who crusade for the same principled objectives. |
I can report that progress toward this objective is being made. Results reported for 160 school board elections in 2022 indicate that almost of 70% of conservative candidates engaged in head-on races with liberal candidates won their elections. Excluded from these numbers are the races where a conservative candidate did not have a realistic chance to win, i.e., a conservative candidate was not in the race thus surrendering the position without challenge and races where two conservative candidates split what might otherwise have been a winning vote. |
Recover America has an active program planned for this coming year and beyond. Experience in the 2021-22 elections has substantiated that the informed involvement of pastors and churches and concerned parents can literally control the outcome of individual School Board elections if they are informed and actively engaged. The goal of Recover America is to increase the number of informed conservative voters at the School Board level.
- Beginning in 2023 we will continue to mobilize pastors, forming working pastor leadership groups in 20-25 strategically selected ISD’s in the State of Texas.
- Recover America’s expanded program includes ongoing communications access a large number of conservative Texas voters who will be encouraged to be active and recruit others to vote for morally conservative candidates in every School Board election and actively participate in critical School Board proceedings
- Recover America will organize a grass-roots coalition of pastors, parents and concerned teachers in troubled school district to directly challenge School Boards to remove the shockingly large number of obscene books and other materials from our public schools.
Your Need to be an Informed Voter |
The filing period for the May 6 elections for most school districts ended this past week. In the weeks ahead, candidates will be starting their campaign and will be looking for supporters and volunteers to help them. We would encourage you to find out as much as you can about the individual candidates and be actively involved in supporting morally conservative candidate campaigns. This support can take many forms. In short there is a lot you can do. Focus on the Family has released a very helpful guide regarding how to get involved. The full article, “What You Can Do about LGBT Curriculum in Your Kid’s School” can be found on the Focus on the Family website: |
A Report on Recent Speaking Engagements |
On a personal basis, I’ve been and will continue to engage with key legislators regarding all bills filed or proposed that deal with these important public-school concerns. On January 31st I addressed the Grassroots Guerilla and Houston Christians Patriot Group regarding our efforts to stop the sexualization of our children. The crowd was very supportive. On February 7th I traveled to Austin to meet with ten of our Conservative State Legislators to hear their concerns and to address our efforts to stop the sexualization of our school children. On Valentine’s Day I spoke to over 80 Christian activists at the Texas Tea Party Republican Women Club in Northwest Houston discussing the school board crisis, and the sexualization and indoctrination of our children. These are issues many of them are facing in their own schools, and they were energized to know more and get personally engaged. We have conducted numerous interviews with candidates for School Board races around the greater Houston Area. Please pray for our continued success. |
S.O.S - Save Our Schools - Watch the video |
We need you to partner with this ministry with the largest investment you can make at our secure online donation page. Please click the button below to help us. |
These next several months will be very busy for us continuing our efforts to “Save our Children” as well as funding our budget to expand our efforts as outline above. I appreciate the continuing encouragement that each of you continue to provide through your prayers and financial support. Please consider these critical initiatives as part of your giving programs.
In His name, |
Dr. Rick Scarborough President Recover America 936-615-7020 |
Dr. Rick Scarborough 15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032 Unsubscribe | |
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