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Newsletter 5/22/24

By May 22, 2024May 26th, 2024No Comments
Dear Recover America Friend,
Memorial day is a day set aside by Americans to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Just days after our sweet daughter, Kathryn died and went to Heaven, a good friend’s son died in the Iraqi War, where he fought for his country and to preserve our freedoms. When Tommye and I heard that their son who was the same age as our daughter, died, we knew we were supposed to attend his funeral.

Before the funeral, God gave me a poem for his parents. It is included in my book that is dedicated to Kathryn and printed below
to hopefully encourage you to pause on Memorial Day and remember your friends and relatives who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

Eighteen days after sweet Kathryn died,

The gentle Savior came alongside

Of Tommye and me as we traveled to cheer

A friend who lost a loved one so dear.

Struck down on a foreign field was he,

While serving his country to keep us free.

Like Kathryn, he died at 25,

Making the ultimate sacrifice.

On the fields of Iraq, he committed all,

For a cause he believed in, this soldier stood tall.

It’s oft repeated that freedom’s not free.

Byron Trotter died for you and me.

As we processed our grief consoling each other,

Missing our daughter as Father and Mother.

We passed a vulture signaling death,

And without a word I took a breath.

My heart began to sink in despair,

But I heard a voice say, Son I care

More for you than you’ve every understood.

My thoughts toward you are always good.

Child, have you forgotten that the day before

Kathryn died, she was longing for more.

She often spoke of how Eagles soar,

And prayed for the day when she’d suffer no more.

So I showed you and Tommye a curious site.

You stopped to admire it, so regal and bright.

A beautiful Eagle perched so high,

Displayed in majesty, his backdrop, the sky!

You both enjoyed this scene for the time,

But neither of you knew what I had in mind.

I was granting you the assurance you’d need,

When today by faith you planted a seed.

Of hope and compassion for others who cried;

Sharing your experience while trying to deny,

How painfully deep you were hurting inside,

With all those questions that begin with Why.

I am the God of Infinite detail;

I am the God who cannot fail;

I am He who understands;

I am He with Sovereign plans.

If you are willing to place your faith,

Unreservedly in my Widom and Grace,

I’ll allow your faith to become your sight.

My peace will displace your darkest night.

When you saw the eagle that day,

Before Kathryn Anne was called away;

I was carefully showing you,

That Kathryn’s dream would soon come true.

They that wait upon the Lord,

Will always be renewed, restored.

On Eagle’s wings, Kathryn came to me;

No longer weary, finally free.

So take my rest, my burden’s light.

I bear it with you in the night.

While Kathryn left you for a while,

Today she wears a forever smile.

When you see an eagle soar,

Think of Kathryn and cherish more,

The life she lives with no more pain,

To live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Introducing the Judeo-Christian Caucus to Texas

On Friday of this week, Recover America will host the first ever Judeo-Christian Caucus at the Republican State Convention. Senator Angela Paxton and Representative Steve Toth will lead a host of Christian Legislators and Christian Leaders who will address our Christian heritage and the war being waged for the soul of our Country and the role the Church must play if we are to turn our nation back to God. I will emcee the one-hour Caucus meeting and speak on the role of pastors in leading their church members to engage in the civil arena. Please pray for many delegates to stop in for the session.

Prayer Breakfast at the Republican State Convention

I have also been honored to be one of four pastors who will speak and pray during the annual Republican Party Delegates Prayer Breakfast Meeting at 7:00 AM on Saturday. They usually draw over 1000 for this annual event. Pray for me to provide a godly devotional thought and anointed prayer for our State.

Tommye and I will leave the following week and drive to Corpus Christi where I will be preaching on Saturday evening and Sunday morning to the Net Fellowship Church. Colby Wiltse, who is the State Executive Director for the Citizens Defending Freedom, is a member of this church, which supported Colby in his successful removal of a corrupt Soros funded District Attorney.
His courageous actions turned an entire County Government from evil to one that exemplifies true public service with new leadership and active pastor participation in civil government. I am looking forward to meeting this courageous pastor and preach to Colby’s church family.

Pastor Gatherings across Texas

We are planning 10 pastor gatherings across Texas in June and more across 6 states as the fall approaches, with the intent of recruiting hundreds of committed Remnant Alliance Pastors and moving tens of thousands of informed Christians to the polls on Election Day. I am convinced that either the church awakens to her role to combat and defeat satan, or the nation will soon be overrun by perverts and purveyors of evil led by wicked politicians who care only for themselves.

The time is now for an awakening and for the first time in more than 50 years of public ministry, with over 30 years fighting on the front lines of the culture wars, we have the tools to win. The Remnant Alliance, whose ministries and organizations are listed at the bottom of this email, has banded together to say we don’t care who gets the notice as long as united God gets the glory.  
I remain...

Yours and His!
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 
Partner With Us!

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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