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Newsletter 4/20/22

By April 20, 2022April 23rd, 2022No Comments

A Word from Dr. Scarborough

Dear Recover America Friend,

Thank you for praying for our ministry to pastors and churches.  Now, more than ever, America needs the church to step up and provide the salt and light of the gospel to the myriad of crises and challenges our nation faces.  Some of these include rising crime, the invasion at our southern border, inflation, and the indoctrination and sexual exploitation of our children, just to name a few.  Then there is also the refusal of our government to allow oil companies to extract the needed petroleum with which God blessed our nation so that we do not have to be dependent on evil foreign regimes, paying our enemies to plot our destruction.   We are truly a nation in peril. 
I need your prayers over the next ten days as I will be traveling extensively and presenting our message and plans for recovering America to various groups and individuals in Texas and Florida.  I am not at liberty to announce all of the meetings due to the high profile nature of some of them, but I can announce two very important meetings with pastors in Houston and Plano, TX.

Next Tuesday, we will be conducting a luncheon for about fifty pastors and leaders in Houston to pray for Ukraine and America.  I will be presenting our program to facilitate Christian engagement in important upcoming school board elections in May and the Fall elections in November.  President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is referring to his country’s war with Russia as the start of WWIII.  As America and her NATO allies contribute more and more military aide, Russia is making more threatening statements that are alarming, which is precisely why we are calling on pastors to pray and act.
Then on Wednesday, I am traveling to Ft. Worth for a major fundraiser with prospective donors to underwrite our budget for mobilizing 2,000 pastors across Texas between now and Election Day, 2022.  From there I will travel to Plano to partner with the Family Research Council and Tony Perkins, my longtime friend, for a day of briefings with some of America’s leading conservative thought leaders.  Dr. Jack Graham, Senior Pastor of the Prestonwood Baptist Church, will be our host.

That evening I will travel to South Florida, where for the next three days I will be meeting with leaders and donors from around America.  I will be sharing our plans for saving our great country from the moral and political free fall we are in and hopefully raise the money we need to execute our plans for Texas pastor mobilization.  There will be three separate meetings with different groups of donors and activists.

Please pray for these important meetings.

Beloved, I cannot express my gratitude to you for all you do to support our work. Every investment, whether great or small, is received as an answered prayer.  Thank you.
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Upcoming Events to Pray For

On Tuesday April 26th from 11am -1pm, Recover America along with Senator Paul Bettencourt is hosting a prayer luncheon in Houston to pray for America and Ukraine. If you know of any Pastor or Church leader that would like to attend, please have them register here.  This is a free luncheon, but there is limited availabilty
On Thursday April 28th Recover America will co-sponsor a major Pastor gathering in Plano, Texas at the great Prestonwood Baptist Church where Dr. Scarborough's seminary classmate, Dr. Jack Graham is the Senior Pastor.

Please pray that God will continue to bless our efforts in trying to recover America.

I remain your servant and friend,
Dr. Rick Scarborough 
Recover America 

Dr. Rick Scarborough

15311 Vantage Pkwy West Ste 315, Houston, TX 77032


Recover America

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